HOTSPLOTS CDN - Content Delivery Network
By using the HOTSPLOTS CDN (Content Delivery Network) service, updating the landing pages (e.g. a portal) which are available locally on one or more mobile hotspot routers can be greatly simplified and automated via an SFTP upload interface.
Price upon request Product Request
HOTSPLOTS Appliance / LTE Hotspot Router (rental equipment)
We can offer this product and other hardware for short-term rental (days/weeks).
Price upon request Product Request
Access Point 802.11ac Wave 2, indoor, controller based (rental equipment)
We can offer this product and other hardware for short-term rental (days/weeks).
Price upon request Product Request
Access Point 802.11ac Wave 2, outdoor, controller based (rental equipment)
We can offer this product and other hardware for short-term rental (days/weeks).
Price upon request Product Request
Access Point Controller (up to 50 APs) virtual (rental equipment)
We can offer this product and other hardware for short-term rental (days/weeks).
Price upon request Product Request